by Thanatos | May 29, 2021 | Items, News
… and you are selling for cheap goods that had a crazy MU last time they had a use! Of course it was a long time ago, when armor sets were avialable to make, but Cyrene developers announced already few times, that those materials will have a use again. You are a...
by Thanatos | May 14, 2021 | Help Terminal, Items
I can tell you, that Planet Cyrene, slowly but surely, fixes it’s bugs and flaws. This time it looks that drop rate of Wasp Queen’s (Empis Queen) parts got fixed! Wasp Queen is a finall boss of Tanhok Ambassador mission chain, where you cant get an...
by Thanatos | May 11, 2021 | Items, News
A new part of Lazidol dropped from this boss mob. Description says it is for creating Zorra HK… but so far we didnt need this for it. Is this a sign of changes, or maybe a follow up for Zorra HK weapon, an...