by Thanatos | Jun 2, 2022 | Mission
More or less, this is a cool one – once per day you can do a small pick-up mission to recive a buff that will last for 1h. Buffs avialable that im aware about now are: – reload speed 2% – damage reduction 2% – damage increase 2% –...
by Thanatos | Sep 28, 2021 | Mission
Cyrene’s Repetable Missions Since we got Codex all over the planet, number of avialable missions got lowered significantly. All old iron missions can be just ended if you already have them started, just some repetables are left. Thanks to Penelope we have most...
by Thanatos | Jun 1, 2021 | Items, Mission, News
Ok guys, finally all armor plating upgrade chain is avialable for us. Before we were able to upgrade basic Imperium Platings that we recived from simple missions, into Officer Armor Plating. To be able to do this we required to have at least 300 ARC Badges. Now we can...
by Thanatos | Feb 4, 2021 | Mission, News
Conclusions:- missions how they were, will be gone.- maybe some armor missions will be back, but much harder, and no clue when.- materials that were used for those missions will find use later in other missions, so probably not all MU paid for those is lost, at least...
by Thanatos | Dec 8, 2020 | Events, Items, Mission
This year we have a chance to find a special unlimited texture blueprint for Holiday Texture. It looks like this, perfect for pijamas 🙂 To obtain it, first you have to pick the mission from Zyn-dos Elf at Supply Depot – Zyn’ingle Elf. Then just go to three...
by Thanatos | Dec 1, 2020 | Factions, Items, Mission, News
Mission and loot for it was REMOVED by MA, no updates when things change. Let’s start from what we know already, and ill correct, add more data as it get’s avialable in time. A long time coming, it appears that A.R.C. Scientists have finally been able to...
by Thanatos | Nov 3, 2020 | Events, Help Terminal, Mission, Mobs
Last update we got a new polished version of special hunting areas added. At the moment, due to some issues with crafing or creating keys to that locations, entry is free, but it may change in the future. You can enter them at Zorra’s HQ first floor, that...
by Thanatos | Jul 14, 2020 | Help Terminal, Mission, Q & A, Questions
I got reported that this old bug is still haunting returning players to Planet Cyrene, so i decided to bring back the fix for it suggested by Cyrene’s Dev Kris: remove and pick up them again if you like those missions – All Ranks of the Dire Weed Chain...
by Thanatos | Dec 29, 2017 | Help Terminal, Items, Mission
This rare and very demanded item, that is required to finish Zorra’s missions chain, can be obtained in two ways: as a very rare drop from hunting – once it was looted from MuchJaw Alpha, but it was several years ago, so i’m not sure if it’s...
by Thanatos | Dec 29, 2017 | Help Terminal, Items, Mission
It is quite simple, just put the right ingridients into the refiner: Xent Tech Light Rifle Prototype you gonna get one yourself while following the Zorra missions chain, or buy from AH (seen them between 1-3k ped) 4 Great Sea Beast Lazidol parts, that are a part of...