It is quite simple, just put the right ingridients into the refiner:

  • Xent Tech Light Rifle Prototype
    • you gonna get one yourself while following the Zorra missions chain, or buy from AH (seen them between 1-3k ped)
  • 4 Great Sea Beast Lazidol parts, that are a part of the loot from this mob (you need 100ped tt of each of them)
    • Lazidol’s Brain Stem
    • Lazidol’s Tounge
    • Lazidol Shell Fragment
    • Lazidol’s Bone Fragment
  • and press start. Done!

To be able to spawn Lazidol u need to finish Zorra mission’s chain and get Lazidol Fishing Lures from Greater Shaman. To make him give u those u got to have Greater Power Crystal (very rare loot or a combine of other crystals), and Zyn’Kimbro Fishing Spear (made while doing those missions). You can recive 3-4 Lures a day.

Or you can just buy all those ingridients from market lol.

Check here about the gun itself!