copied from Cyrene Forum:
New Additions:
Hazard Zone Mech
– The Hazard Zone Mech has invaded Carnap’s Landing!
— This new creature can be found exclusively in the Carnap’s Landing LA with a variety of levels.
— This humanoid mech is a close combat damage dealer with a focus on physical and burn damage.
Cyrene Officer Armor Plating (stage 1)
— While we are still discussing with MindArk the entire situation of the Imperium Armor Upgrade missions, in the interim, we’re introducing a series of missions to create Imeprium Armor Platings.
— The 1st stages have been approved already, allowing Imperium Armor Plating I to be upgraded into Imperium Officer Plates by Mathaius the Boffin.
— Developer’s Note, This is elaborated more on this posting:
– It is our understanding from MindArk that the CODEX is not yet coming to Cyrene. This is something that only MindArk can do, and we’re eagerly waiting to hear more information about the ETA for this to be available on Cyrene.
– A.R.C. Badges should not be kept in the currency tab of inventory.
– Carnap’s Landing has undergone some adjustments specifically due to the invasion of these Hazard Zone Mechs.
– Fixed various typographical and grammatical errors in items and missions.
– Adjusted several mineral spawns to improve useful minerals on Cyrene.
– Tweaked several loot items to assist in drop rate and be available to hunters.
– Added several player requests and additional creature spawns around Cyrene to reduce mixed spawns .
– General and varied enhancements to Cyrene have been done as well as changes can and do come periodically to Cyrene, including but not limited to buildings, vegetation, water, map and others.
Known Issues:
– The culmination for the chain mission for the Ryvox the Cypher is currently not implemented.
– Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue.
– All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch.
– Some Quality Ratings information in blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect, and this issue is still being looked into.
– A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU.
– Currently, there is an issue with the Cyrene Graduation armor where the disciple will not receive the correct armor, we’re trying to resolve this issue with MindArk.
Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.